What is the purpose of PTF?
The purpose of our Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is to serve as a non-profit school support organization that will commit to supporting a Christ-centered environment that emphasizes spiritual, moral, and academic excellence in the education of each student at MCS. We are committed to leading by Christian example in the areas of leadership, service, prayer, and fellowship between parents, students, and faculty.
To achieve this purpose, we seek to:
Be a resource and provide opportunities to all families to serve in various areas that will complement the goals of MCS, support the activities and programs of the PTF, and promote the welfare of MCS students.
Host school-related events that promote fellowship amongst families, MCS staff, and students.
Foster a spirit of gratitude and appreciation by promoting various functions throughout the school year to recognize and encourage the MCS faculty.
Partner with teachers in areas that directly and positively affect student success
Pray daily for the families, students, and staff at MCS
Provide financial support in ways that will supplement, but not substitute for, MCS’ responsibilities for the maintenance and operation of the school and for the materials and supplies necessary for the teaching of the students enrolled at MCS.
Membership is open to:
Any parent, step-parent or legal guardian of a current MCS student
All MCS Alumni
Extended family & friends of an enrolled student who qualify as having a common interest and loyalty to the purposes and activities of the PTF of MCS
Sign Up for Parent Teacher Fellowship/Purchase T-Shirt HERE
Contact Us:
PTF Email: ptf@midlandchrisitanschool.org
Facebook Page: PTF at MCS
Instagram: PTF_MCS
If you have any questions please email ptf@midlandchristianschool.org
PTF Officers
President - Kimberly Reeves
Vice President - Amber Burk